A few years ago, I took a
deep dive into two common approaches for determining nitrogen application
rates: the Yield Goal method and the Maximum Return to Nitrogen (MRTN) approach,
illustrating which was higher in each county in Iowa and how similar or
different they were. That comparison highlighted the strengths and limitations
of each method, offering insights into how they influence manure management
planning and nitrogen use efficiency. With Iowa State University’s recent
release of the Nitrogen Fertilization Application Consultation Tool (N-FACT),
it seems like the perfect time to revisit this discussion, comparing N-FACT to
the Yield Goal method.
N-FACT represents a step forward in nitrogen management,
leveraging updated on-farm data and modeling techniques to refine nitrogen
recommendations. But how does it compare to the long-standing Yield Goal
approach in the Iowa Manure Management plan form? My goal here isn’t to
summarize either method but to compare what the two methods suggest. In so
doing, it gives some insight into who may be selecting each technique and why
that may be.
In this post, I’ll walk
through how N-FACT differs from the Yield Goal approach, present some figures
to illustrate their recommendations across different scenarios and share key
takeaways on their practical applications.
Manure planners are probably
extremely familiar with the Yield Goal method. Still, the county average corn
and soybean yield were briefly estimated using the last five years of county
yield data (2019-2023). The amount of continuous corn and corn following
soybean in each county was calculated from the area of corn planted and the
area of soybean grown in each county. Corn following soybeans are set equal to
the amount of soybeans in each county (but not allowed to exceed the acreage of
corn for that county); continuous corn acres were calculated from the excess
corn acres not yet accounted for in each county. Corn yields in continuous corn
and corn following soybean were estimated by assuming a 10% yield drag in
continuous corn as compared to corn following soybean and requiring the
county-weighted average corn yield to equal the reported county average corn
yield from the survey of agriculture. Yield goal methodology was then applied,
setting the yield goal for corn equal to the estimated yield for that rotation
plus ten percent, multiplying by the area-weighted nitrogen use factor for corn
(typically 1.2 lb. N/bu for most Iowa counties, but adjusting as necessary for
areas that are 1.1 lb. N/bu and 0.9 lb. N/bu, see figure 1). For corn-soybean
rotations, a “rotation” credit of 1 lb N/acre per bushel of soybean yields up
to a maximum of 50 lb. N/acre was used.
1. Nitrogen use zones for corn in Iowa for use in the Yield Goal method in Iowa
Manure management Planning. Zone 1 has a nitrogen use factor of 0.9 lb. N/bu,
Zone 2 has a nitrogen use factor of 1.1 lb. N/bu, and Zone 3 has a nitrogen use
factor of 1.2 lb. N/bu.
N-FACT works differently,
following an approach similar to Maximum Return to Nitrogen (MRTN) but based on
modeling efforts that simulate the yield response of corn to nitrogen in each
county under various weather conditions, planting options, and management
scenarios. For this tool, you select a county, the rotation, weather conditions
for spring and summer, the amount of residual nitrate in the soil, a planting
date, and a nitrogen and corn price. Inputs used in these simulations were done
in all counties for corn following corn and corn following soybean, but then
consistent weather patterns (average spring moisture, average summer moisture,
a residual soil nitrate of less than 20 lb. N/acre, a planting date before
April 30th, a nitrogen price of $0.45 per pound N, and a corn price
of $4.64 per bushel. N-FACT provides a range of outputs from the 25th
percentile economic optimum nitrogen rate, the 75th percentile
economic nitrogen application rate, and the average economic optimum nitrogen
application rate. A modeled yield is provided for the 25th and 75th
percentiles and the average economic optimum nitrogen application rates. The
N-FACT tool uses a concept from MRTN: the response from applied N determines the
economic optimal rate, not the yield itself. As such, even if actual yields
differ from those suggested by N-FACT and the underlying modeling behind it,
the response curve generated is still the best estimate of the N rate required.
All that to say, when the N-FACT reports the 25th percentile
economic optimum N-rate, it suggests that 25% of the modeled site-weather years
in the county would require a lower nitrogen rate to be economically optimal.
Similarly, when it reports the 75th percentile N rate, it suggests
that 75% of site-weather years within the modeled scenario would have a lower
economically optimum N rate.
An essential consideration for
manure planning is how different locations will be impacted if a switch from
the yield goal method to the N-FACTs recommendation is evaluated. For both
rotations, we grouped counties into three groups: counties where the yield goal
nitrogen estimate was less than the 25th percentile economic N rate
from N-FACTS (N-FACTS suggests considering higher nitrogen rates). In these
counties, the yield goal nitrogen estimate is between the 25th and
75th percentile economic optimum N (N-FACTS and the yield goal
method are similar), and locations where the yield goal estimate exceeds the 75th
percentile economic optimum N rate. These counties were colored blue (Yield
goal lower than the 25th percentile N-rate from N-FACTS), white
(Yield goal is between the 25th and 75th percentile
N-rates from N-FACTS), and orange (Yield goal is higher than the 75the percentile
N-rates from N-FACTS), respectively.
(a) |
(b) |
Figure 2. Comparison of the Yield Goal Method (based on
county average yields) and N-FACTS nitrogen suggestions for (a) corn
following soybean and (b) continuous corn. Counties colored blue have a yield
goal N rate below the 25th percentile economic optimum N suggestion
from N facts, counties left white have a yield goal N rate between the 25th
and the 75th percentile economic optimum N rate suggestion from N
facts, and counties in orange have a yield goal N rate above the 75th
percentile economic optimum N rate suggestion from N facts. |
The maps in Figure 2 suggest that counties on the Des Moines
Lobe, the Iowa Erosion Surface, and much of the Northwest Iowa Plains farms
should continue to fill out their manure management plans using the yield goal
method, but at the time of manure application should be considering
opportunities to lower their actual nitrogen application rates (through both
manure and commercial manure fertilizer) to be more in line with the guidance
suggestions coming from N-FACTS. In the remaining regions of Iowa, primarily
the Alluvial Plains, the Loess Hills, the Southern Iowa Drift Plain, and the
Paleozoic Plateau, we should carefully consider our nitrogen application rates
and obtained corn yields to evaluate improvement opportunities. Specifically,
N-FACT suggests that higher nitrogen application rates than those indicated by
the Yield Goal method of the Iowa Manure Management Plan form may be required
to reach optimum economic thresholds. However, the N-FACTS tool suggests that
these locations can achieve higher yields. As such, choosing to apply higher
nitrogen rates should be accompanied by evaluating corn yields and practices
that may help increase corn yields.
While the monolithic evaluation provided in Figure 2 helps answer
the question of writing a manure plan with a yield goal compared to writing a
manure plan with N-FACT, it doesn’t address the magnitude of the change. Overall,
the results are similar; the counties in red on the Des Moines Lobe and the
Iowa Erosion Surface are locations where the yield goal is higher than the 75th
percentile N suggestion from the yield goal. In many of the remaining counties,
the green color indicates that the yield goal would need to increase by this
much to reach the 25th percentile N suggestion. While the graphs are
similar, these figures illustrate the magnitude of change that could cause.
(a) |
(b) |
Figure 3. Comparison of the Yield Goal Method (based on
county average yields) and N-FACT nitrogen suggestions for (a) corn following
soybean and (b) continuous corn. The scales demonstrate the magnitude of
difference between the yield goal method and the N-FACT suggestion. Counties
in red show N-FACT is lower than the yield goal suggestion, and counties in
green show N-FACT above the yield goal suggestion. |
One important point to clarify is writing your manure plan
based on a method and selecting a nitrogen application rate. Writing a manure
plan to allow flexibility in decision-making is often helpful. Choosing methods
that would enable higher nitrogen application rates and include more acres than
the minimum required to write an acceptable plan provides the needed flexibility.
Such an approach puts us in a position to make the best agronomic decisions
within a growing season to respond to unknowing weather patterns; this means
not treating the manure plan rate as a maximum rate but choosing a target rate
below this to make the best use of manure. It also plans to increase the number
of acres our manure touches to maximize its value.
Writing plans for higher nitrogen application allows
flexibility without having to write amendments to the plan should weather conditions
in any specific year put us in a situation where more nitrogen is required. An
example of this might be if a wet spring occurs and additional nitrogen is
needed to address this concern. One example of how to do this is that plans
choosing to use N-FACT as their methodology could be written for average
moisture conditions, but should wet spring conditions occur, the farm would be
allowed to modify to wet weather conditions without filing an amendment.
One important question that remains is how a change from
yield goal to N-FACT recommendations would impact overall nitrogen
recommendations in the state. In the map, you can see areas where more nitrogen
is required and areas where less nitrogen would be suggested, but it is hard to
say what this means for state nitrogen use. Weighting the state by the number
of corn acres in each county suggests that if all acres were applied based on a
yield goal methodology and switched to the N-FACT suggestion, the average
nitrogen application rate would decrease by about ½ lb. N/acre. As I follow up,
it will be important to compare what this means for some of the manure-rich
areas in the state and the implications for manure management planning.
Another aspect of N-FACT is the on-farm nitrogen rate trials. The
on-farm trials provide data on the economic optimum nitrogen rate, yield at the
economic optimum nitrogen rate, and the nitrogen use efficiency at the optimum
nitrogen rate for each trial conducted. Thus far, data from two trial years,
2023 and 2024, have been available. The nitrogen use efficiency at the economic
optimum nitrogen rate provides another point of comparison for the yield goal
method. In 2024, the on-farm trials for corn following corn averaged an N use
efficiency of 1.00 ± 0.19 lb. N/bu (ave. ± s.d.). One interpretation of
these results is that 84% of fields (assuming the fields evaluated represent
Iowa fields) are below the 1.2 lb. N/bu.
As we look at the on-farm trials for corn following soybean,
the obtained N use efficiency was 0.92 ± 0.19 lb. N/bu (ave. ± s.d.). Again,
this can be interpreted as 84% of fields (assuming the fields evaluated
represent Iowa fields) are below 1.12 lb. N/bu, that on average corn following
soybean crops would be allowed in Iowa Yield Goal based plans. This value is
based on the 231 bu/acre corn yield (average of corn following soybean plots)
and a 50 lb. N/acre rotation effect that allowable N rate is 1.10 N/bu.
Data is also available for 2023, but the previous crop isn’t
listed. The measured N use per bushel of corn at optimum N rate was about 90%
of the 2024 value, and the standard deviation was 0.14 lb. N/bu. As 2023 was
drier in much of the state, these results are consistent with what we’d expect.
Higher rainfall led to some nitrogen losses in 2024 and required higher
nitrogen inputs per bushel. Moreover, the drier conditions led to more
consistent results as the soil variation was slightly reduced. Assuming the 90%
reduction is consistent for continuous corn and corn following soybean, then
0.92 ± 0.14 lb. N/bu was required. In continuous corn, 97.5% of all fields
would be below the 1.2 lb. N/bu is used for much of the state for yield goals.
For corn following soybean, the N needed was 0.85 ± 0.14 lb. N/bu. Given the
yields in 2023, the YG method would have allowed 0.98 lb. N/bu. In 2023, 84% of
fields in corn following soybean would be below the N level allowed by the
yield goal method.
A few things come to mind as I look at the totality of the
results. The yield goal method is essentially performing how it should be. It
limits N application based on agronomically allowable amounts without
constraining yield limits by limiting nitrogen application. I.e., those
constraints were initially set to be a guide that didn’t limit N to the point
yields would be unduly constrained, but it wasn’t meant to be a nitrogen
recommendation system. It sets a maximum limit based on the best available
science at the time, not an application rate suggestion. We should be thinking
about facilitating better manure management and moving our rates to not the
maximum allowable but more towards the best recommendation or best available
guidance methodology. In some cases, this could mean increasing nitrogen
application rates, but often, these must be accompanied by practices that are
increasing corn yields.